Top 20 FAQs About Baldness

Baldness FAQs

Baldness or Androgenic Alopecia (AGA) is a common condition associated with hair loss in specific patterns involving the scalp in both men and women. Here, we take a look at some frequently asked questions about baldness and try to answer them.

What Are The Most Common Reasons For Hair Loss?

There are many possible reasons for hair loss, ranging from genetic to environmental. One of the most common hair loss causes is genetics, resulting in alopecia or male pattern baldness (which occurs in women as well as men). Although alopecia causes cannot be prevented, there are several possible approaches to addressing this cause of hair loss, including hair transplantation surgery, medications, and laser therapy.

In other cases, the reasons for hair loss may be related to an individual’s environment or lifestyle. Hair loss causes may include illness or disease (such as thyroid disease or anemia), certain medications (including chemotherapy), or lifestyle factors like smoking, stress, alcohol consumption or exposure to UV rays or chemicals. The best way to determine the cause of your hair loss is to see your dermatologist.

How can I prevent baldness?

You cannot prevent male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness, although there may be ways of slowing down the process or disguising the problem.

Isn’t hair loss just a cosmetic issue?

Male pattern hair loss can have a negative psychological impact. Studies have shown that hair loss can be associated with low self-esteem, depression, introversion, and feelings of unattractiveness. This is reinforced by attitudes in Western society, which place great value on youthful appearance and attractiveness. Some studies have shown that based on appearance alone, men with hair loss are seen as less attractive, less assertive, less likeable, and less successful than men without hair loss.

Is it such a big deal?

Since male pattern baldness is related to testosterone production, there is not much one can do to prevent it. But hair loss is primarily a cosmetic issue and some of the sexiest men on the planet – according to sources – have little or no hair. If you’re really struggling to come to terms with baldness, talk to someone. Hair loss may be a trigger to unhappiness and depression.

How common is male pattern hair loss?

Male pattern hair loss affects nearly all men at some point in their lives. It affects different populations at different rates, probably because of genetics. Up to half of male Caucasians will experience some degree of hair loss by age 50, and possibly as many as 80% by the age of 70 years, while other population groups such as Japanese and Chinese men are far less affected.

What role does heredity/genetics play in the male pattern hair loss?

Male pattern hair loss occurs in men who are genetically predisposed to be more sensitive to the effects of DHT. Researchers now believe that the condition can be inherited from either side of the family.

There is a strong history of baldness in my family. Can it be prevented in my case?

Yes. Even though male-pattern baldness is a genetic phenomenon, you can certainly be helped. The sooner you start with the treatment, the better are your chances of recovery. An integrated approach to the treatment as well as choosing the right combination of treatment will certainly be of help.

I have noticed excessive hair fall after changing my place of stay. Can hair loss be linked to the water?

Yes. A lot of people complain about hair fall after relocating their place of stay. However, this might not be the only reason for your hair loss. A video-microscopic test to examine your hair, along with the detailed analysis, will show us the exact cause or a combination of causes for your hair loss. The treatment will be accordingly which will be aimed at stopping the hair fall.

I have noticed hair fall after a lot of stress. Is hair fall related to stress?

Yes. Stress is known to increase hair loss. There, indeed, are links between male-pattern baldness and stress. While you may work your way through relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation to control your stress level, homeopathic medicines can alter the reaction of the hair follicle to your stress, thereby preventing it from falling.

Where is DHT found in the body & what is the role of 5-alpha-reductase in the body??

  • DHT is found in several tissues in the body including the prostate gland and skin.
  • 5-alpha reductase is an enzyme that regulates the production of DHT. An enzyme is a protein that acts as a catalyst to speed up a chemical reaction. 5-alpha reductase can be inhibited by specially synthesised drugs (see below).

How Quickly Will I Lose My Hair?

Male hair loss starts at some point in the twenties, but it typically takes 15-25 years to go bald. Half of fifty year olds are quite bald. However, some men go bald in less than five years. It is almost impossible to predict how long the process will take.

Can Home Remedies Cure Baldness?

You may be wondering if you can use home remedies for hair growth or if there are any effective natural hair growth remedies. A healthy, nutritious diet is a great place to start; vitamin and iron deficiencies can be detrimental, so eating a variety of vitamin-rich foods is one of the best home remedies for hair loss.

If your hair loss is genetic, home remedies for hair growth are unlikely to be an effective treatment for baldness (you are more likely to have success with approaches such as medication, laser therapy, or hair transplantation surgery). It is a good idea to ensure you have a healthy lifestyle (for example, by reducing stress, smoking, and alcohol consumption, which can all cause or exacerbate hair loss). Avoid websites offering miracle cures, since they are rarely effective.

Is There Anything I Can Do to Stop My Hair from Falling out Naturally?

Everyone loses hair naturally and it is normal for hair to thin somewhat when you get older. But the truth is that male pattern hair loss is a genetic condition that cannot be stopped entirely.

Is Baldness Caused by Emotional Stress or Sexual Frustration?

Some hair loss is associated with stress although male pattern baldness is a genetic condition found in many men. If you find your hair is falling out in clumps or at unpredictable times, it is most likely to be the symptom of something else. This could be stress related but is unlikely to be caused by sexual frustration. The best thing to do is to see your dermatologist for a check up.

How Do I Stop Hair Loss?

Many people experiencing hair loss want to find out how to stop losing their hair, or whether hair loss solutions are available. However, it is important to remember that the most effective remedies for hair loss will depend on its root cause. In some cases, stopping hair loss may simply require a change in lifestyle, such as reducing stress levels, quitting smoking, or cutting down on alcohol. In other cases, the best hair loss solutions may be medical, with the use of drugs like Minoxidil (for example, Rogaine) and Finasteride. And still others find success using laser therapy or laser combs.

In all cases, if you are wondering how to stop losing hair, the best place to start is to see a dermatologist to determine what is causing the hair loss and which option is likely to work best for your situation.

How do I know if my hair loss is due to male pattern baldness?

Going bald is a slow process which might take a significant time to become visible. Identifying the first phase of hair loss that leads to baldness is tricky and sometimes difficult to determine. You should watch for signs of an M shaped or horseshoe-shaped hairline.  Along with either of these signs of hair thinning, excessive hair loss during a shower or while brushing is also a strong indicator of balding times approaching.

Should I see a doctor?

  • To get advice and treatment for hair loss, you should always start with either your family doctor or a professionally qualified trichologist.
  • Until very recently, male pattern balding was seen as a natural process and you may find your doctor to be neither sympathetic nor helpful if you consult him/her about it. But things may be changing. An increasing number of doctors realise that hair loss can have psychological consequences that significantly diminish quality of life, especially for younger men, and they may be more willing to take the problem seriously.

It is best to consult a reliable trichologist.

A trichologist, is a hair specialist whose training covers both the cosmetic and the medical aspects of the subject. They have a degree in dermatology. The Institute of Trichologists keeps a register of properly qualified people: look for the letters AIT (Associate), MIT (Member) or FIT (Fellow) after their name.

Other types of hair loss, such as alopecia areata, are taken seriously as medical conditions and you should seek your dermatologist’s advice as you would for any other medical problem.

What treatments are available for male pattern hair loss?

Current treatment options include:

  • Minoxidil solution
  • Finasteride tablets (type II 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor)
  • Dutasteride
  • PRP Therapy
  • Micropigmentation (cosmetic tattoo)
  • Hairpieces
  • Ketoconazole shampoo
  • Low-dose oral minoxidil (off label)
  • Hair Transplantation
  • Cosmetics

Check out treatment of AGA.

How Do I Regrow Hair?

Men and women experiencing hair loss will often wonder about hair regrowth options. Hair regrowth treatment will vary depending on the cause of your hair loss. Because the reasons for thinning hair vary widely, the solution may range from making lifestyle changes (such as reducing stress or eating a more healthy, nutritious diet) to treating existing medical problems (such as thyroid disorders or anemia) or seeing a physician to discuss medical treatments like Minoxidil or Finasteride.

Hair regrowth for men and women can be stimulated using hair regrowth treatments such as laser therapy or laser combs. If none of these treatments are effective, surgical options such as follicular unit extraction (FUE) are also available. Hair regrowth for women may also be affected by pregnancy, so if you are a pregnant woman experiencing thinning hair, know that this problem will resolve itself in time.

How Do I Make Thin Hair Thicker?

Many people with thinning hair wonder how to make hair thicker. Thinning hair remedies range from actions you can easily take in the comfort of your own home to medical and surgical thinning hair treatment. The best option will typically depend on the cause of the hair loss, so it is important to consult your physician.

Here are some steps to consider for how to make your hair grow thicker. First, determine whether your stress level or dietary habits may be affecting your health. Second, ensure that you are not suffering from any illnesses, such as a thyroid disorder or iron deficiency. Next, you may consider using medical thinning hair remedies such as Minoxidil or Finasteride. Finally, if these options prove insufficient and you are still left wondering how to make hair thicker, you may consider laser therapy or hair transplantation surgery.

One of the newest treatments for making hair grow thicker is PRP therapy. It consists of injecting platelet-rich plasma into the areas of the scalp which require hair growth. Find out more about PRP therapy.