All About Laser Hair Removal

laser hair removal in gandhiangar

If you’re not happy with shaving, waxing or tweezing to remove unwanted hair, you can consider laser hair removal as an option. Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures. The laser devices fire highly concentrated beams of energy targeting the pigment in the hair follicle that eventually destroys the hair.

What is LHR?

Laser hair reduction (LHR) is a medical procedure that uses a concentrated beam of laser energy to remove unwanted hair. Your hair follicles are located just below the skin. They’re responsible for producing new strands of hair. If the follicles are destroyed, then hair production is temporarily disabled. During this procedure, the laser emits a beam of energy that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The energy fired by the laser is converted to heat, which damages the hair and inhibits or delays future hair growth.

Laser hair removal is most effective for people who have darker hair colours on light skin tones, but it can be successfully used on all skin types. Even if some hair isn’t removed, the lightening of their colour can reduce the visibility of hair on the skin.

Some of your hair may shed within a few days of your first treatment session. Overall, LHR is a relatively quick process. Smaller areas, such as the upper lip, can take just a few minutes. Larger areas of hair removal, like the back or chest, may take an hour or longer. If your dermatologist applies a numbing cream first, you may expect to be at the clinic for another full hour.

Despite the high success rate of laser hair removal, hair follicles eventually heal which can result in new hair production. To ensure the best results, you will need to undergo multiple treatment sessions.

Is it really permanent?

In short, no. Although the procedure is advertised as a form of “permanent” hair removal, laser treatment only reduces the number of unwanted hair in a given area. It doesn’t get rid of unwanted hair completely. LHR puts the hair follicles in a state of dormancy for a long period of time — much longer than with shaving and waxing. When the hair does grow back, they’ll be lighter, finer, and fewer in number.

For best results, the American Association of Dermatology (AAD) recommends that a certified dermatologist should perform the procedure.

Why do we need multiple sessions?

Multiple sittings (follow-up treatments) are necessary to get the best results of laser hair removal. The number of treatment sessions may vary from person to person. Most people need between four and six laser therapy sessions.

You also need to space these out by 4-6 weeks each which means that the full treatment cycle can take 6-9 months.

After each session, you’ll likely notice less hair. Any hair that remains or regenerates will also be lighter in both texture and colour. The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that the number of hair will reduce by 10-25% after your initial session. The rate of reduction thereafter will improve, but will also vary.

You may also need occasional maintenance sessions which helps to ensure that the hair follicles don’t regenerate. Depending on your individual needs, you may need a maintenance session once or twice a year after your full initial round of laser treatment.

Types of Hair Removal Lasers

Here’s a quick rundown of the most popular laser types:

Diode: The diode laser is very effective for light and dark skin and it is the most commonly used laser in Gandhinagar and Gujarat.

Alexandrite: This laser is the fastest of all laser types and works best for treating larger body areas among patients who have very fair complexions. It is not commonly used for Indian skin type.

Nd:YAG: This long pulse laser can be used safely on all skin types, including dark skin. It is less effective for light or fine hair when compared to other types of lasers.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from the face, chin, underarm, back, arms, legs, bikini line, and other areas. The benefits of laser hair removal include:

  • Precision – Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hair while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
  • Speed. Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat large areas at the same time. Small areas such as the upper lip can be treated in a few minutes.
  • Predictability. Most patients have great results after an average of 4-6 sessions.

Waxing is a painful and sometimes very uncomfortable procedure. One can feel the hot wax burn the hair follicle and leave a post-burn sensation after waxing. Hair removal doesn’t have to be painful at all. If you are curious about the process, try our underarm laser hair removal.

Dr. Siddhartha Saikia

Click on the link to read more about the pros and cons of LHR.

Risks of Laser Hair Removal

Like any cosmetic procedure, LHR does have some risks which also depends on the skin type, hair colour, treatment plan and whether or not you follow the doctor’s advice before and after the treatment. The most common side effects of laser hair removal are:

  • Skin irritation. There may be temporary redness or discomfort immediately after the procedure but any signs and symptoms typically disappear within a few hours or a day.
  • Pigment changes. Laser hair removal might darken or lighten the affected skin. These changes might be temporary or permanent.
  • Changes in skin texture. Rarely, laser hair removal can cause blistering, crusting or other changes in skin texture. For a day or two afterwards, the treated area of your skin may look and feel like it’s sunburned. Cool compresses and moisturizers can help.
  • Greying of treated hair.
  • Increased hair growth. Excessive hair growth may occur around treated areas, particularly on darker skin.
  • Eye injury. Laser hair removal isn’t recommended for eyelids, eyebrows or surrounding areas, due to the possibility of severe eye injury. Your eyes will also be covered with an eye shield to prevent any injury due to looking at the laser beam directly.

Preparing For Laser Hair Removal

If you’re interested in laser hair removal, choose a doctor who is certified in a speciality of dermatology and has experience with laser hair removal on your skin type. Be cautious about spas, salons or other facilities that allow nonmedical personnel to do laser hair removal as there can be a risk of side-effects by untrained professionals.

Before laser hair removal, schedule a consultation with the doctor to determine if this is an appropriate treatment option for you. Your doctor will likely do the following:

  • Review your medical history.
  • Review your current medications (if any).
  • Review your history of skin disorders or scarring.
  • Review your past hair removal procedures.
  • Review whether there are any hormonal irregularities and suggest concurrent or alternative therapy.
  • Discuss risks, benefits and expectations, including what laser hair removal can and can’t do for you.
  • Take photos to be used for before-and-after assessments and long-term reviews.

At the consultation, discuss a treatment plan and related costs.

The doctor will also offer specific instructions to prepare for laser hair removal. These might include:

  • Staying out of the sun. Avoid sun exposure before and after the treatment. Apply a broad-spectrum, SPF30 sunscreen 15 minutes before stepping out in the sun.
  • Lightening your skin. Your doctor might also prescribe a skin bleaching cream if you have a recent tan or darker skin.
  • Avoiding other hair removal methods. Plucking, waxing, epilating and electrolysis can disturb the hair follicle and should be avoided at least four weeks before treatment.
  • Discuss your current medications. Ask your doctor about what medications, such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs, to avoid before the procedure.
  • Shaving treatment area. Trimming and shaving are recommended the day before laser treatment. But your clinical photographs will be taken at each session so do it only if the doctor specifies, otherwise, the shaving will be done on the day of the procedure. It removes hair above the skin that can result in surface skin damage from burnt hair, but it leaves the hair shaft intact below the surface.

Laser hair removal is more complicated than just ”zapping” the unwanted hair. It is a complex medical procedure that requires training to perform and carries potential risks. Before getting laser hair removal, you should thoroughly check the credentials of the doctor.

During the procedure

Just before the procedure, your hair will be shaved or trimmed to a few millimetres above the skin surface. A topical numbing cream may be applied 30 minutes before the laser procedure. The laser equipment will be adjusted according to the colour, thickness, and location of your hair being treated as well as your skin colour.

You and the skin specialist will need to wear appropriate eye protection. In order to protect the outer layers of your skin and reduce friction, a cold gel is applied on the skin which will help the laser light to better penetrate the skin. Next, the skin specialist will press a hand-held laser instrument to your skin and activate the laser.

When the doctor activates the laser, the laser beam will pass through your skin to the hair follicles. The intense heat from the laser beam damages the hair follicles, which inhibits hair growth. You might feel discomfort, such as a warm pinprick, and you’ll likely feel a sensation of cold from the cooling device or gel.

After every sitting, the treated hair falls out over the course of the next month.

After the procedure

There may be redness and swelling for the first few hours after laser hair removal. When the procedure is completed, you may be given ice packs, anti-inflammatory creams/lotions to ease any discomfort. If you have a skin reaction immediately after laser hair removal, the doctor might prescribe you a steroid cream to apply on the affected area which is to be used only for a short time.

You will be scheduled for your next treatment four to six weeks later and the treatments have to be continued until the hair stops growing. Wear sunscreen for the following month after every sitting to prevent any temporary pigmentary changes.

The interval between treatments will vary depending on the location. On areas where hair grows quickly, such as the upper lip, the treatments are usually repeated every four weeks and on the areas of slow hair growth, such as the back, the treatment might be repeated every 6-12 weeks. Consult your skin specialist to know more about the procedure and the sittings required because every case is different and unique.


The hair does not fall out immediately, but you will shed them over a period of days to weeks. Sometimes, it may look like continued hair growth. Repeated treatments are usually necessary because hair growth and hair loss naturally occur in a cycle. The laser treatment works best with hair follicles in the new-growth stage.

Results vary from person to person. Most people experience hair removal that lasts several months, and it might last for years but laser hair removal is not permanent. However, when the hair regrows, it’s usually finer and lighter in colour and some of the hair stop growing altogether.

You might need maintenance laser treatments for long-term hair reduction.

Cost of Laser Hair Removal

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost for laser hair removal is $285 per session. But in India, the pricing is much more economical. The price depends on the following factors:

  • Size of the area being treated.
  • Time required for the treatment.
  • Number of treatments required.
  • The part of the country where you are having the procedure.

Ask for a consultation with your skin specialist to get a better idea of the cost for your particular case.

At our clinic, we are having the most affordable rates for LHR so that you can get the best skin care in Gandhinagar without breaking the bank.

The verdict?

Although laser hair removal isn’t permanent, it is still the best option for slowing hair growth over an long period of time which can last from months to years. If you don’t want to go through with the expense of medical procedures then there are numerous at-home hair removal options.

Talk to your dermatologist about:

  • tweezer epilators
  • waxing or sugaring
  • threading
  • proper shaving techniques

Miniature versions of laser hair treatments are available on the market for home use, but their safety and efficacy aren’t clear. The FDA doesn’t regulate at-home laser hair treatments as medical devices, so they aren’t tested as such. It’s best to leave laser hair removal up to the expert.

If you want to know more about the procedure and have any doubts, visit a dermatologist near you. You can also read some of the FAQs about Laser Hair Removal.